Celebrate your Health Independence this July 4th!

fireworks-74689_1280 With all the backyard games, barbeques and parades going on, your health may not be the first thing to pop to mind when celebrating independence this year. Or ever…   I have to say that without your health, celebrating what we call independence isn’t really meaningful. That may sound drastic, but I can speak from experience when I say that when my health was lacking, I was far from independent. I was very dependent on others to help keep me alive and dependent on staying close to my home due to my health. My LACK of health was causing a severe dependency problem in my life. It was very disheartening to me, and perhaps the most emotionally frustrating part of my health journey, knowing that I needed assistance from others and wasn’t free to do the things I wanted to do whenever I wanted! I very much appreciated my previous independence; traveling abroad, solo wilderness trips and just random adventures to keep life interesting. My health decline was holding me back and I hated it. How I longed to get back to my regular life…  little did I know that my personal health revolution was just around the corner and it opened up ever greater possibilities for me!

Learning that I had options and that my lifestyle ultimately controlled my health was incredibly liberating! Did you know that genetics only play a small role in our health? Conservative estimates put thsparkleRe genetic portion at about 20-30% of our health, while lifestyle choices control the remaining 70-80% of our health! That’s so empowering, as it means you can no longer blame your parents for your state of health, YOU CONTROL IT WITH YOUR LIFESTYLE! Wahoo!!!  You have control over it – you can be independently healthy!  You DO NOT have to become dependent on medications or give in to aches and pains as you grow older. Healthy choices will help create health and independence in your life. I feel so honored to help people discover this power in their lives. To help others create a roadmap to health and see their progress is amazingly inspiring and fulfilling. Sometimes I almost wonder if I’m benefitting more than they are! Results speak volumes! When I have people in my office telling me how much better they feel and what they are able to do since revolutionizing their health, I am so uplifted by the thought of them getting through life easier and knowing that they will now be able to go forth and make their greater impact on the world and spread their passion. Have you seen my mission – to make the world a better place by helping others feel their best? This is what it’s all about folks. Feel your best every day, and you’ll be able to do more of what you love. Do more of what you love, and you’ll be happier and have better relationships. Now, that’s worth celebrating!

handstands on beach

If you are interested in learning more about how you can start your own health revolution, sign up for my newsletter! In the month of July, I have an amazing offer for my subscribers – a “Health Revolution Strategy Session.” Because great Independence usually starts with a revolution, right? Join me in charting your personal health revolution! I wish you all the best for a Happy, Healthy, Independent Life – no matter when or how you celebrate your Independence Day!

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