
IMG_0658Hi there!

I’m Rachel, and I am a Naturopath on a mission to make the world a better place by helping others feel their best. After escaping my deathbed in a South Carolina hospital, I embarked on my personal health revolution. I took back my health by getting back to my roots. (You can read about my revolution here.) To truly lead happy, healthy, holistic lives, I feel we need to get back in touch with Mother Earth so that we become grounded, and can live up to our full potential! So join me, let’s get wildly grounded and have some fun!


WILDLY GROUNDED? What’s that all about? Did you know that just by being in physical contact with the Earth, you are helping your health? And yes, it is documented in studies! There are many health benefits, and you can read about them in a great book called Earthing; the Greatest Health Discovery Ever? I was fascinated by this connection and wound up writing my PhD dissertation largely focusing on the healing properties of nature, specifically the idea of “earthing” or grounding. Similar to electrical wires being buried in the ground, our bodies become grounded when touching the ground, whether walking barefoot (or with shoes that do not interfere with electron transfer, such as leather soles) or splashing about in your favorite watering hole. According to Merriam-Webster, a grounded person is one “who is sensible and has a good understanding of what is really important in life.” So a grounded person would naturally value their health! That’s what I want to bring back to health care. Instead of managing symptoms (and barely doing that at times) with medications and surgery, let’s use the natural tools available all around us and discover true health. Let’s focus on preventing chronic disease and leading healthy lives that promote and create health from within! When we do that, we will live more wildly… in touch with nature, and wildly as in having more fun because we feel so much better!

Grounding with my favorite little people!

Grounding with my favorite little mister!

I love solo time in wilderness, but I know that’s not everybody’s idea of fun. Maybe it’s relaxing on a beach, or a family hike. It could just be sitting on a park bench, if that’s enough wildness for you! So my definition of living wildly grounded is “a holistic lifestyle that values health, nature and simplicity in order to enjoy life to its fullest!” To promote this wildly grounded life, I’ll be writing about connecting with nature, natural health, food, de-stressing, simplifying life and more! Please let me know what you want to read about. I take a break from traipsing about with my terrific trio and helping others with their health every so often to write! Get WILDLY GROUNDED with me here!

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